Together with the elderly’s relative, a transfer program is made in accordance with the findings on the state of the elderly as obtained in the elderly’s place. After deciding the vehicle to be used for transferring the elderly, if an ambulance is needed or not, or whether the elderly can be transferred in the vehicles of our facilities; our professionals who have well knowledge of elderlies and their psychologies implement the transfer program, using the right method of communication. The transfer to our facilities is started with the elderly’s relative whereas another team is waiting at the entrance of our facilities for the incoming guest to welcome and admit them to our facilities in an honoring manner.
The findings obtained through social examination in the elderly’s place, the procedure of transfer to our facilities conducted by our professionals, and the welcoming service at the entrance of our facilities all speed up the elderly’s adaptation to our facilities, relieving the elderly’s relative from the sociological and psychological pressures of these steps of the process.