Current state of health of the guests staying in our facilities are determined, and monthly menus are arranged according to their diet and illnesses taking into account their nutritional sensitivities. 3 salt-free meals, mainly vegetables, and 2 snacks are served daily. Elderly guests who can feed orally are given their meals in either puree or regular form, depending on their ability to swallow and chew. Elderly guests who can feed orally but feed themselves use their motor skills sufficiently, are fed by Elderly Caregivers.
On the other hand, our elderly guests who have difficulty feeding orally are given enteral nutrition intravenously or via NG or PEG systems administered by our expert nurses.
The dry food used are selected from among the foods are approved by the Ministry. During summer months, our vegetables are grown in our own farm all organic without using any chemicals. Also, our milk and yoghurt is produced all the year round from our own farm animals, prepared in our clean and sterile kitchen, and made available to our elderly guests for consumption.