It is the healthcare service provided for prevention, delay and reduction of functional deterioration due to physiological loss caused by old age or various diseases.
Organs cannot function as they did before due to aging, thus elderly people suffer from a decrease in mobility. This also causes a decrease in the quality of life of the elderly and negatively affects their mental health, not to mention the physical ailments it creates.
The rehabilitation therapy applied in our facilities as per customized plans reduces the ailments experienced by the guests, enabling them to take stronger and more effective roles in their lives. The rehabilitation therapy offered in our facilities by physiologists involve:
- Hemiplegia, ALS, etc. with physical disabilities,
- Alzheimer, dementia, Parkinson’s with chronic diseases,
- Loss of physical strength without presence of any medical condition,
- Geriatric rehabilitation for immobile guests.
The evaluation of our guests staying in our facilities consists of the following steps:
Systemic Physical Examination
This involves basic physical examination of all systems. In particular, the examination pays attention to neuromotor system related to mobility impairment, and examinations of the heart and the lungs, which may limit the exercise tolerance, as well as visual and hearing abilities.
Blood pressure (lying down and sitting), evidence of heart failure
Airway obstruction
Intestinal diseases
Joint and bone diseases, foot disorders
Nervous system
Muscle weakness, sensory deficit
Sight – Hearing
Mental Status
A detailed and proper evaluation of the mental state of the patient is as important as the physical examination. For this, simple psychometric tests are used before rehabilitation.
Mental disorders such as dementia and delirium are common in elderly patients. These significantly affect rehabilitation and speed of recovery. While mild dementia does not cause significant problems, more severe patients may be confused or aggressive.
Depressive patients have impaired motivation and participation in rehabilitation. Psychiatric support and antidepressants can be helpful in these patients. Having all the necessary equipment and doctors, Asude Nursing Home determines what all our guests need first through tests, examinations and laboratory support. Our guests are offered the most effective treatment and therapy method.
Elderly Nutrition
All elderly guests are provided with sufficient nutrition whereas the major nutritional problem is obesity.
Along with obesity, the osteoarthrosis (especially in the knee and hip) caused or exacerbated by obesity has a more negative impact on rehabilitation.
Weight loss in elderly people is harder compared to middle aged people. Nutrition under the supervision of our specialists is highly important. Even losing moderate amount of weight in elderly patients with gonarthrosis can alleviate basic symptoms and help with mobility.
Before starting rehabilitation, patients are asked about all the medications they use, and the benefits and harms of such medications are thoroughly compared. Patients are carefully observed for side effects of medication during rehabilitation.
Services received by traveling to and from physical rehabilitation centers are a serious cause of fatigue for elderly guests, which may also result in complications that reduce the benefit of the therapy. Therefore, in-house rehabilitation therapy positively affects the therapy process of the guests.